Not only food and clothing, even cosmetics are bio. Dall'edilizia catering through the craft, now finds application in biological fields as well and of course in the world of beauty, as more and more products for the treatment personal use and build his own composition on the properties of herbs and plants, minimizing the use of synthetic substances.
E 'il caso di Planter's, a company which operates from 20 years in the field of natural cosmetics and dell'erboristeria, who created the first line anti-wrinkle "Eco bio" for the care of the face, based exclusively on natural principles certified by Ecocert (France) and Aiab (Italy), which not only ensure the absence of preservatives and chemical ingredients, but they trace the source and verify that the production is done with eco-compatible methods.
The line makes use of many products, from milk-invigorating tonic detergent cream against fluid bags and occhiaie to move to the anti-wrinkle face 24 hours, which is a "cult product that restores and improves the quality of the texture of the skin. Recommended for tired and atonic skins, thanks to the merger of specific active ingredients and plant extracts such as regenerating Fagus selvatica bio, this cream strengthens the tissues, relaxes the features and erases signs of fatigue by giving the skin of the face compactness, plasticity and a renewed brightness.
And if you want to fight pollution caused by city dust and smog thin, protective face cream 24 hours is the best weapon: thanks to the filter plant (Sesamum indicum bio) that works as a screen, the skin can regenerate remaining always protected. But the news for the summer, Planter's reduce the success of the previous line all'Aloe true, he thought to enrich the range of solar with three new oils from dried non-fat formulations ideal for intensifying a tan at the same hydrated time.


Alongside the need for health, exist in modern society, the need to improve the quality of life.
The World Health Organization modified the definition of "health" by shifting attention from the disease to the "psycho-physical well-being."
So the dermatologist, can no longer afford to treat skin diseases, but should be responsible for the maintenance of wellness and skin to the resolution of small changes of the skin which affects the appearance and then the image, how to present the life of the report.
The prevention and treatment of aging skin is one of the areas most important to the dermatologist and Medical Aesthetic.
To ensure that the patient can correctly target your "wishes" and its "chosen" as part of the aesthetic issues, the advice is to follow this DECALOGO:
1 - Information - Do not settle for a newspaper article or television but more than consult a professional.
2 - DO NOT FOLLOW THE LATEST NEWS '- It is said that the novelty of the last hour is the best or the most secure solutions. It may be just a fad!
3 - TURN TO PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATES - Make sure the doctor is admitted to scientific societies, updated and prepared culturally.
4 - WHAT TO CONSIDER ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF INTERVENTION - In case of doubt, prefer the least invasive.
7 - DO NOT GIVE THE RESULT for granted - do not go to the doctor as it aesthetics or the hairdresser.
8 - DO NOT HAVE EXPECTATIONS exaggerated - not just want to get a result, I must tell you what you want and understand what the aesthetic medicine is able to give.
9 - PREVENTION AND 'better than cure - Start thinking now about how you will be in ten years.
10 - DO NOT THINK A MODEL Irraggiungibile - Veline and models are not "real" but constructed and adjusted figures:
The techniques are the most effective non-ablative RF, the Peelings, the Fillers, Botox and the bio-skin.
RADIO NOT Ablative
The RF is a new therapy based on the emission of energy can develop a heat inside the skin that spreads deep into the dermis to the adipose tissue. The organic efftto that heat is a change in collagen contraction and resulting reorganization of the fibers. The result is a stimulation of fibroblasts (the cells that produce collagen) and synthesis of new collagen and increase the density of the dermis.
The RF is then a procedure for remodeling simple, fast and very competitive with the plastic surgery. The skin becomes more toned and compact already after the first treatment.
The applications consist of peelings on the skin of various substances that lead to a revitalization and an exfoliation more or less profound depending on the type of substance and the time of application.
The skin is a dynamic body. Every day, the stratum corneum removes, through a physiological mechanism, an infinite number of cell keratinization. The chemical peeling is an accelerated form of exfoliation that takes place through the use of a chemical.
A very superficial peeling accelerates the natural exfoliation of the stratum corneum, and a peeling acting at the deepest create a controlled nell'epidermide damage in the dermis and stimulating the newly-formed collagen fibers.
The chemical peeling creates obvious changes in the skin through three mechanisms of action:
- Stimulation of cell turnover by removing the dead cells of the stratum corneum.
- Elimination of damaged epidermal cells and degenerate, to be replaced by normal skin cells.
- Induction of an inflammatory reaction and activation of mediators of inflammation that trigger the production of new collagen fibers and glycosaminoglycans (RBM revitalizing the dermis).
The substances most commonly used are:
Glycolic acid
Pyruvic acid,
Acid thioglycollic
Salicylic acid
High Potency Peel
Alfa-Beta complex
Yellow peel
Peeling for body
The fillers are systems to correct and fill wrinkles, contour and increase in volume of the lips, cheekbones and modeling of tion.
Injecting thin needles with a number of substances that differ in duration of action.
Therefore differ in:
REDUCING: collagen, hyaluronic acid (Restylane Fine Lines, Restylane, Perlane)
Not absorbable: (Dermal, Outline, Dermadeep)
Each group has advantages and disadvantages.
The absorbable are safe, correct skin imperfections, the results are reversible, its duration is fickle and have a little power on large volumetric tissue deficiency.
The non-absorbable have more stable results over time, more power filler, but not a survivor of the outcome and increased rate and severity of side effects.
A product with the advantages of both groups and no side effects would be the ideal filler, but it can not exist. But the evolution of modern biotechnology offers us new formulations based on hyaluronic acid that have a longer duration and result in a greater increase in volume. So now you can use an absorbable hyaluronic acid but of long duration, up to 18 months without risk of granuloma formation or inflammatory reactions in the long ends.
Laser skin resurfacing treatments rejuvenate the face
To rejuvenate the face with the laser you use the CO2 Laser Superpulse called Butterfly Touch (ie touch of butterfly for her sophisticated and precise action on the skin), which allows for the Face Skin resurfacing, which is the rejuvenation of the skin of the face through alleviating the wrinkles of the face, eyelid and lips.
Fractional Ablative resurfacing NOT
With the laser you can attenuate small wrinkles, remove stains, the microcicatrici, the unwanted hair and tattoos, and eliminate teleangectasie couperose from the face and legs, bags under the eyes, and run without a Blepharoplasty scars.
Depending on the radius used, delivered with power and different durations (pulsed, ultra-or super pulsed, Q-Switch), the use of different mediums (carbon dioxide, alexandrite, neodymium: YAG crystals, diodes, etc.), the laser light can reach in selectively different targets: a pigment, like the red of hemoglobin, the different colors that make up a tattoo or black melanin, but also the water of the skin tissue.
With the carbon dioxide laser and Erbium last generation, you can erase wrinkles in sensitive areas (contour of the mouth and feet of chicken), as well as wrinkles and expression lines, scars from acne and spots, but also perform a total facelift.
This laser acts on the skin so delicate, the smooths without leaving signs and restores elasticity and tone. Under the action radius of the underlying tissue (dermis), rich in collagen and elastin fibers, resulting in contracts a real "lift effect".
Through the laser is vaporized, so homogeneous, without bleeding, thin layers of skin. The deep layers of the skin is checked at every stage, so the doctor can perform a highly selective dermabrasion, which applies also to the most sensitive skins and a training set of scars.
After treatment with this laser does not have a healing effect, but the real riepitelizzazione. In practice, it forms an entirely new skin.
The intervention is performed under local anesthesia, which may have a more or less sedation depth.
Typically for a face-lift total (full face) requires 30 to 50 minutes, while the scars from acne are eliminated in one or more sessions of 20-30 minutes each.
After treatment the skin should be protected with a special cream for four or five days.
For at least two months after the passage of the laser, the skin must be protected from sunlight by using a filter to screen total to avoid the formation of darker spots (hyperpigmentation)
There are no scars.
The laser Q switched Nd YAG, wavelength 1064 nm, has a very concentrated discharge (Q Switched) able to stimulate the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Because of its concentration, the download uses low power and is then used for the treatment of the face, neck and décolleté, so you can get far superior results compared to traditional methods of abrasive peeling or glycolic acid.
Laser Treatment Peeling allows the removal of impurities from the face, lighter and smooths the skin, it means that the color, minimize fine wrinkles and improves the appearance of pores, illuminates the complexion. Specific effect was tested for the treatment of sunspots and cloasma. This method can be treated any skin type, very sensitive and at any time of year; da'ottimi results on your skin tan.
The intervention had a duration of 20-40 minutes, after which you can return safely to carry out their activities. The only warning is to not expose to the sun for 24-48 hours after treatment, apply sunscreen for a few days.
There may be a slight redness that disappears within hours. Many of the subjects have seen immediate results, without undergoing the long process of healing of a chemical peeling.
NON-LASER Ablative
The laser "non ablative" laser which limit their action to the surface layers of the skin, are useful for the correction of chicken feet, the area perilabiale and all infinitesimal wrinkles of the face.
The radius of the laser, delivered to a very high power can give a real boost of energy to the tissues underlying the dermis, in a split second, without "touching" the surface of the skin.
In no side effect, if not a mild redness with the possibility of returning to work or to their usual occupations. Within a few weeks you see the real result: the tissues underlying the wrinkle starting to regenerate collagen and elastin and the fold original spreads.
To maximize your results are required on average about 8 treatments at intervals of 15 days or so. Later some will be sufficient mini "recall" during the next two years
Dr. Garbin has recently introduced into its practices A clinical method safe, minimally invasive and extremely effective to repair the skin and erase the signs of aging and damage caused by 'sun exposure. Developed in the United States, the Fraxel Laser is indicated for treatment of wrinkles of the face, melasma, hyperpigmentation in the genus, the results of acne and scarring. Fraxel laser treatment is that can be undertaken on the décolleté, hands and in many other parts of the body.
The Fraxel laser produces in the skin without removing the most superficial and therefore without any burn, thousands of tiny but deep columns of thermal activity, defined as "areas of treatment microtermiche" (MTZ), this work removes the old pigmented cells and penetrates into depth in the dermis in a fractional hitting and intensive areas affected, leaving intact the adjacent tissue. This approach allows the treated skin to heal much more quickly than conventional systems and eliminates the risk of visible scars. Treatment "fractional" in fact encourages the natural healing process of the body, through which the skin with skin imperfections is replaced by healthy tissue and new.
The Fraxel is a high quality and advanced technology that allows to obtain the benefits and results of typical resurfacing laser traditional equipment, but without convalescence, the trauma, side effects and long recovery of the latter.
While laser resurfacing conventional acts causing injury to the skin, forcing them to regenerate and then to assume a more compact and young, the new Fraxel achieves the same goal, but with a less traumatic technique through a handful of fiber optics, produces thousands of tiny holes in the surface layers of 'skin, which remain intact, with no burns.
So fabrics with spots, wrinkles, scars from acne are gradually replaced with more young and healthy.
The treatment lasts 30 to 75 minutes, depending on the size to deal with (hands or face and décolleté), during which the patient does not feel any pain and can listen to music.
The application for a few tens of minutes of an anesthetic cream and the use of a jet d 'cold air makes the Fraxel treatment absolutely bearable. Then, as is evident, the trauma is minimal.
At worst, but not in any event, there will be a slight swelling and redness as a moderate after a solar lamp under high pressure, but you can just make up and return to normal social life.
The Fraxel laser is a non ablative, ie, with minimal post-treatment effects. Microlesioni of healing is very rapid compared with traditional laser and skin improves faster. Typically, the swelling and redness is minimal and resolves within one to two days, you can make up or shave soon after treatment and return to work the next day.
E 'Should Use a good moisturizer and a sunscreen with broad-based screen. Results are visible immediately and are progressive: the final result is visible at the end of treatment.
From 2 to 8, depending on the seriousness of the problem to be solved.
There are no areas closed to its use. Apart from the face, the laser is particularly useful in the treatment of sensitive areas such as the neck, décolleté and hands, but also the arts. Interesting preliminary results are being achieved on the stretch marks.
A further advantage of this new laser is being indicated for patients of any phototype and any age, and they can be executed even during the summer season. Fraxel treatment that does not require a high sun protection for a few weeks and so does not interfere with the normal summer holiday period.
Prices vary according to the treatment area at around 500 euros per session.
The "Skin resurfacing is a laser treatment performed with CO2 laser superpulsato and / or Erbium. This method is used to reduce wrinkles and to treat other diseases and skin imperfections such as blemishes and scars, even those due all'acne.
All treatments of "Skin resurfacing (such as dermabrasion and chemical peeling) are essentially the same way: first removes the damaged skin layers and then, with the formation of new cells during the healing process, a compact surface skin and uniform in appearance and more youthful.
The laser technique allows to achieve this objective with considerable advantages: more precise action on the damaged layers, absence or minimal presence of bleeding, better post-operative course.
In many cases, the wrinkles are formed in localized areas (eyes, mouth) and the laser can be used specifically in these regions. However, there are skin conditions that often require the extension of treatment to the whole face.
Men and women of all ages can benefit from this method, the ideal patient has a skin clear and not overly greasy. Patients with olive skin, dark or black are at risk for abnormal pigmentation, so careful evaluation and skin preparation should be implemented if it is decided to submit to
In the case of very fine wrinkles on the skin, usually on the face.
In the case of an irregular surface of the skin due to scars from acne or small skin accruing.
For stains due to length.
A skin smooth, youthful and more uniform color.
The laser emits an intense beam of light that heats and vaporizes the skin, reaching the damaged layers with high selectivity.
Depending on the characteristics of skin is an appropriate treatment prescribed dermato-cosmetic for the skin to prepare Laser. If they are treated isolated regions of the face will be enough perhaps with local anesthesia cream.
If we take the processing of the entire face is necessarily involve sedation.
This type of intervention is usually done in an outpatient or day hospital.
The pain is usually absent or quietly tolerated during 24/48 hours after the surgery.
The swelling depends on both the personal reaction of the patient that the depth of treatment, but usually reversible during the first 2 / 5 days.
Usually the new skin will be red in the first 5 / 6 days to go to a pink after the first week and rose to a more nuanced after the second week.
Creams are prescribed specifications for the standardization process dell'eritema happen as quickly as possible.
On the seventh day, most patients can safely apply a trick hiding.
It 'must, in the months following treatment to protect themselves from the sun until all the color of the face is returned to normal. E 'mandatory use during the first months to a sunscreen protection and protect your face with a hat or a visor until all the color of the face is returned to normal.
If it has been treated periocular regions should be protected with sunglasses good quality as well as sunscreen to full screen
Achieving an optimal result for Laser CO2/Erbium may take several months. However, when the redness is alleviated and the patient is already in a position to notice a clear improvement in skin quality as well as a more "fresh."
It 'important to understand that the result will last a long time but is not permanent. The new skin will not be free from the processes of aging, although it is easily possible to repeat the treatment.
This technique rejuvenation is among the most popular and avant-garde.
It is a technology of mechanical dermabrasion and chemical peeling.
The CO2 laser has, unlike previous techniques, a total accuracy in the depth of action and consequent quality of the result.
Patients suitable for this operation has one or more of the following characteristics:
superficial facial wrinkles
skin senile
chicken feet
projections scarring
discolouring skin
During the visit the area will be examined by conducting a thorough check-up skin.
Will be held in high regard your complexion: subjects are dark-skinned, the peeling laser will be performed very carefully in order to avoid ipocromia, namely a decrease in pigmentation of the skin. The tendency to hypertrophic scarring cheloidea It is an absolute contraindication .
HOW WILL scars?
The laser peeling no incisions and therefore no residual scarring.
In the first post operative phase, the skin color will be reddish and during the subsequent weeks, become the normal color pearl.
Acne Treatment and Wrinkle Creams
Previously it was believed that acne must be first dried and then removed, however, with the introduction of new wrinkles and anti-acne creams on the market, this assumption has become a thing of the past.
active ingredient salicylic acid aid in the removal of acne without drying the skin and retinol helps reduce wrinkles. A combination of these two compounds into a product that offers a treatment for acne wrinkle people who want to get rid of both the problems of acne and wrinkles.
Acne wrinkle cream should be applied twice daily to reduce wrinkles and eliminate acne from the skin.
Benzoyl peroxide is used to treat wrinkles and acne. It dries the skin oil and therefore helps to solve the problem of acne. The drying of the skin can disrupt the balance of moisture in your skin resulting in wrinkles, but benzoyl peroxide helps to retain moisture of the skin and also solves the problem acne. It also prevents the development of new wrinkles if used regularly.
And 'better start taking care of your skin while you are young.
wrinkles may also appear early in life, like your 20, if the skin is constantly exposed to harmful rays of the sun or is subject to severe weather conditions or treatment, without any protection.
As the years the skin loses its natural flexibility, becomes thin and resulting in the appearance of wrinkles. Apply acne wrinkle cream at a very young age can remove acne and also help maintain the moisture balance in the skin thus preventing the appearance of wrinkles.
Wrinkles naturally as you advance in years and the problem of acne is also in some people growing to maturity. There are a variety of products available on the market to help people get rid of both problems and skin early years of grace.
The various diseases of the skin and the problem of aging can be kept at bay by maintaining a good healthy diet including vitamins, minerals, a quantity of natural collagen and retinol.
Acne wrinkle cream also helps in removing stains and scars from your skin. ? can keep your skin moisturized with oil-free moisturizing and drinking plenty of water to keep your skin clear and healthy.
Removal of scars
In realtà tutta la moderna dermatologia plastica è volta a trovare soluzioni di trattamento che siano in grado di raggiungere il derma senza danneggiare l'epidermide consentendo una vita sociale normale e impegnative cure post intervento.
Belong to this important category is the revitalizzanti and treatment with pulsed light is the fractional resurfacing whose purpose is to induce the stimulation of collagen without hurting the skin. In particular, the fractional resurfacing can reach the dermis bypassing the epidermis with the technique of "pixels" that is to say through the columns of microscopic dermal lesion, therefore, such as not to destroy the skin. This technique obviously is shown only for groups (wrinkles or scars) that are localized in the superficial dermis, and not that deep.
There are various systems on the market split with different wavelengths, but the common trait is to work through this particular principle: treat the imperfections on several occasions and gradually, the result is slower but higher patient compliance. But key is to run meetings so tight cause micro damage "repeated over time and run between a seat and the other treated with retinoic acid to prepare the skin to the laser.
Removing wrinkles with lasers
What treatment is best: Laser Lifting Lifting or face? It is not possible to make direct comparison between these two methods. The performance of applications and the results are very different and depend on the individual case. Compared to face lifting, Lifting laser is generally performed in the clinic, the lower price and relatively risk-free (no risk of injury to facial nerves). On the other hand, the method is ideal for removing only the finest rocket, but not for treating skin hanging or the so-called dynamic wrinkles, such as. the naso-labial wrinkles.
You can remove the imperfections of the skin with laser? Si '. The modern laser technology, thanks to laser equipment for specific applications, allows a wooden cases to refine the skin. The most important laser applications in dermatology include:
Supplements that fight wrinkles
Food high in antioxidants and anti-aging supplements can help improve skin tone, elasticity, and even prevent wrinkles from appearing.
Vitamin A is an antioxidant that acts as an important nutrient for the skin and keeps the skin soft and damage free. E 'is essential for healthy growth and renewal of skin cells. Its deficiency can cause skin to become dry, rough, brittle and prone wrinkle. Besides the poor skin, vitamin A deficiency can also lead to localized skin breakouts and splitting nails.
Collagen is a protein found naturally in our bodies and collagen in the skin helps to keep the maximum elasticity of the skin. However, with age, collagen begins to break, causing the skin to become wrinkled and sagged. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant, which helps in repairing skin from within by building the collagen content in the body. Vitamin C-deficiency significantly aggravates the signs of aging.
Therefore, supplements containing vitamin A (to maintain the skin soft and to avoid any damage to the skin), vitamin C (aids in skin repair), vitamin E and beta-carotenes are essential for healthy skin. These supplements are readily available on the market in pill, capsule or liquid form or can be easily obtained from a diet rich in these supplements. Foods that naturally contain the highest levels of antioxidants are prunes, raisins, blueberries, cabbage, cranberries, spinach, raspberries, Brussels sprouts, plums and broccoli.
Best anti aging creams or lotions
The current research shows that the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and crows feet can be effectively prevented and treated using appropriate products and beauty treatments. An evergreen young skin is now possible through a strict beauty regime involving the use of sunscreen during the day and anti-wrinkle cream at night.
There are many products available on the market that are easy to apply, pamper your skin (to keep it soft and nourished) and protect from early onset of wrinkles and brown age spots. However, finding the right beauty products and anti-wrinkle creams to suit your skin type is an exhausting task. A few genuine brands (and their products), who conducted extensive research in their labs to see excellent mature skin types and understand their needs - 'Prevage' by Elizabeth Arden, Estée Lauder 'Resilience Lift Extreme' Ultra Firming Crème SPF15, Olay 'Regenerist' range, L'Oréal 'RevitaLift' Fabric of the face-mask, Neal's Yard frankincense Nourishing Cream, Neal's Yard White Tea Eye Gel, Green People 'fruitful Nights', and some other products brand.
Prevage contains idebenone, an antioxidant, which protects the skin as well as repair the effects of environmental pollution and damage Sunday, reducing fine lines, dark spots and discoloration. Estée Lauder Resilience Lift Extreme Ultra Firming Crème contains an effective sunscreen while Olay Regenerist range contains an amino peptide complex known as Pal-KTTKS. Both of these anti-aging products work wonders on the skin. Rather than using corrosive chemical products, you can also use creams made of natural products such as Green People Nights fruitful, which contains a cocktail of fruit which naturally removes dead cells, moisturize skin and protect it from the sun.
What is Reslin to remove wrinkles?
The market is flooded with various brands of anti-wrinkle creams and wrinkle-lift products. All these loans make up, but very few of them are useful to everyone. Many people wonder whether creams are really effective.
The effectiveness of any anti-wrinkle cream or wrinkle-lift product depends on the type of wrinkles, the components present in the products and the extent of the damage already done to the skin - if the skin has already been subjected to a lot of hard rough diamonds and handling and insufficient care, resulting in many deep-set wrinkles.
A good anti-wrinkle cream or wrinkle-lift products usually contain lots of antioxidants and repair of skin and skin rejuvenating ingredients. Most anti-wrinkle creams or wrinkle-lift products containing or Retinol-vitamin A (which is an antioxidant that helps keep the skin soft and damage free and is required for healthy growth and renewal of skin cells), vitamin C ( which is an important antioxidant, which helps in repairing skin from within by building the collagen content). Collagen is a protein found naturally in our body which helps to maintain the maximum elasticity of the skin, but is severely depleted with aging, causing the skin to become wrinkled and sagged.
Other essential ingredients include vitamin-E and beta-carotenes to keep the skin healthy and youthful state. Alpha hydroxyl acids, hydroxy acids stratagem and beta hydroxy acids are also usually present in most anti-wrinkle creams and wrinkle-lift products that aid in exfoliating the upper layer of the skin, doing seem even more fresh and bright.