Face Exercises: An Introduction

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lthough there are few things in this world we can control, one of them is how we look. If you are willing to make the effort, you can reshape your facial appearance with face exercises. By following a face exercise program, you can strengthen and develop your facial muscles to achieve an improved, younger look; and all without silicone, stitches or surgery.

Because the muscles in the face are so small and responsive, dramatic results can be achieved quickly. By working the facial muscles underneath the skin, you tone and tighten the underlying structure of your face. Face exercises also increase the blood circulation in the skin. The overall result is a firmly tone, face with improved facial contours and complexion. For the area around the eyes, face exercises can result in raised or lifted eyebrows, enlarged eye sockets (making the eyes look more open) and diminished puffiness under the eyes.
A leading proponent of face exercises is Carole Maggio. She has been studying and teaching face exercises for several years. Get a brief glimpse of her philosophy below: