• the Drooped skin, weak elasticity of dermal tissues
• Occurrence of small wrinkles which go deep in due course
The reasons
The wrinkles is not disease, and external implication of ageing of a skin. Some factors can accelerate process of education of a wrinkles or it can be retarded. Principal causes - drying of a skin and drying bed of hypodermic protein, excess of the sun and a wind, stress, wrong care of a face skin, errors in a food, dermal diseases, deficiency of movement, excess of nicotine and alcohol.
Organic background
Radical dietary courses promote wrinkles education as as a result of prompt growing thin the skin as though "droops, not finding a corporal leg. It is more than that, rigid dietary courses break a metabolism and it result ins to reduction of quantity of Adeps and water in tissues.
Psychophysical background
Facial expression - reflexion of our thoughts, feelings and sometimes actions. Excessively active facial expression changes a skin under the influence of mechanical stress, its constant stretching, first of all round labiums and eyes, promoting wrinkles education. The insufficient facial expression, however, too provokes wrinkles occurrence as the fallen asleep and inexpressive face muscles only worsen a circulation. For well-being of a skin there is a third path - to remove a stress of a skin and to reinforce its muscles by means of the agents checked up by time. Besides, remember, that the wrinkles is not an occasion to give up as a bad job itself and the external appeal. Tokyo wrinkles can be very expressive, attach you a highlight and originality. It is important, that your person was shone by cheerfulness behind which it is difficult to make out time signs on your skin.
Old and reliable - help itself!
• Redoxon
Redoxon raises production of the important substance - collagen. Being a part of a connecting tissue, it does our skin elastic and strong. You will find redoxon in berries of a black currant, kiwi, oranges, lemons and grapefruits. Sea-buckthorn berries juice also contains a lot of redoxon.
• Bromelayn
Ferment bromelayn decomposes Adepses in skin tissues. In need of enrichment of the food bromelaynom drink at least 250 ml of pineapple juice a day.
• the Honey cream
This classical conditioning agent behind a withering skin. The prescription: 10 g of beeswax kindle in kovshike, admix about 3 items of l. Honey. Cool and grease with a shallow layer a skin.
• the Mask with reproduction vitamin
Reproduction vitamin is considered fruitfulness vitamin, it retards process of ageing of a skin.
The prescription: admix 1 egg yolk about 2 items of l. Butters from wheaten sprouts, add in this admixture of reproduction vitamin of 5 g. Put this admixture on the face and on a neck a shallow layer and sustain about 30 minutes. Then wash a mask a water considerable quantity.
• Soybean lecithin
Soybean lecithin contains much phosphatidylcholine. This natural substance which improves our digestion and thanks to it in our skin drops the maintenance of various depositions.
Warn a wrinkles and remain are young
• Take care of the sufficient maintenance of reproduction vitamin in your nutrition! This vitamin retards process of ageing of a skin. Eat a lot of the sheet salad filled with sunflower-seed oil of cold squeezing or luccu oil.
• do not smoke! One only constant bent for to cigarettes will provide to you a wrinkles round a mouth. Besides, nicotine corks the small blood vessels located in tissues of a skin.
• there is some alcohol! Alcohol overconsumption on a party forces water in a face skin and extends it. Then water is deduced from a skin and it is wrinkled.
• Avoid direct solar beams with 11 to 15 o'clock in the afternoon. Protect a skin by means of a milk from the sun (the factor 6) or a headdress in the summer. Optimum for sunburn weather with the cloudy sky at which you do not receive the present radial dose and a minimum of the rigid invisible heat which is drying up a dermal moisture.
• Provide itself with a sufficient dream. The dream is less than 6 hours a day during long time harms not only to your skin, but also health of all organism.
The beauty comes from within
Much depends on a food. Take care of the sufficient maintenance in nutrition of the major biologically active materials. It means: meal with an abundance of vitamins - especially reproduction vitamin. This vitamin contains first of all in sunflower and soybean oil, almonds, walnuts and in a peanut. Besides, it is necessary to have a rest, walk more on fresh air and not to allow negative emotions to blast your soul, after all our person and a skin - a soul mirror. The status of long stress, constant conflicts and serious in the emotional and nervous plan of a situation are negatively reflected in a skin status. And more one important point: more often the flaccid skin is a sign of inactivity of the alimentary system. Spend for stomach and intestine mobilisation an abstersive course, pass to the products containing enough of ballast substances and stimulating job of an intestine.
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